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Back by popular demand!
Painting (anything you choose) with Goats! Which means you sit in our back yard while our 3 pet goats “mowsy” around! Thur 8/15
4:00-6:00 or 6:00-8:00
$25 minimum purchase pp
8 yr-Adults. Sign up & deposit required. This one fills up fast! 🐐🐐🐐
🎨 Call 503.682.3473 🎨

Back by popular demand!
Painting (anything you choose) with Goats! Which means you sit in our back yard while our 3 pet goats “mowsy” around! Thur 8/15
4:00-6:00 or 6:00-8:00
$25 minimum purchase pp
8 yr-Adults. Sign up & deposit required. This one fills up fast! 🐐🐐🐐
🎨 Call 503.682.3473 🎨