Thank you for your interest in joining Keep It Local Mac!
Fill out the form and become part of a growing website that is focused on helping local residents find the best locally-owned businesses in and around Mac!
The benefits of joining:
- Business listing in the online business directory (listed under up to 3 categories), complete with a personalized company profile. Your business listing includes:
- your logo
- business description
- links to your website and social media sites
- Reach more customers through our social media communities
- Opportunity to be a featured business on our website
- Opportunity to submit a Guest Blog Post / Article to be published on the homepage of our website for two weeks.
- Increased Exposure! Your business listing on Keep It Local Mac will place your business in front of thousands of potential customers.
Cost to join Keep It Local Mac:
FREE for 2 months. After two months, membership is only $10 per month.
To be listed on Keep It Local Mac a business must…
- Be located in Yamhill County. (or just outside of Yamhill County)
- Be privately held and not publicly traded or registered as a franchise or affiliate.
- Be independently owned with no parent company or corporate headquarters based outside of Yamhill County.
(By filling out the form you certify that your business meets the above criteria).
If you have more questions head over to our FAQ page or send me a message.
Thank you for your interest in having your business listed on the Keep It Local Mac website! There are strength in numbers and our local numbers are growing daily.
Business Information
**Please note: Current Page: Business Information – Next page: Payment Information