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Mark your calendars for our 5th annual community Easter Egg Hunt. This event is held at and sponsored by The Vineyard Heights assisted living community. It is a wonderful way to bring Joy to our community at large as well as our assisted community. We hope you will join us again this year.
Start times will be staggered to allow families with multiple children to participate. We will begin promptly at 9AM so please plan to arrive a little bit ahead of schedule. Parking is on the community streets and can take a while to secure so please plan accordingly.
0-4 Years-9:00am start
5-7 Years-9:15am start
8-12 Years-9:25 start
Important things to know: We will have a Photo Backdrop for you to take pictures. We will have the Easter Bunny hoping around for photos and high-fives, and we will have lots of prizes for each age bracket. There is a suggested donation of $2. You can scan the QR code or look for the donation bucket. This is not required only suggested. We will have baskets for anyone in need. This is sure to be a fun family outing, so mark your calendars and plan to join us as we bring two communities together in one place for a great event.