Guest Blog Post by Phyllice Bradner, partner/owner of Currents Gallery
Currents Gallery, located in McMinnville’s Downtown Historic District, is owned and operated by seven artist/partners. Our partnership includes retirees from many walks of life: Lawyer, Graphic Designer, Special Ed Teacher, Administrator, Drafter, Sales Rep, Flight Attendant—all full time artists now. Sixteen years ago, when we started this little enterprise, we had no idea if we could make a success of it. Over the years we added a classroom, expanded our display space and grew to represent more than 70 local artists! We are now considered one of Oregon’s premier galleries.
Each month we display a new feature show highlighting one or two of our partner/owners or a juried theme show open to all Oregon artists. Our exhibits throughout the gallery offer an ever-changing variety of art and fine craft.
Sharon Cook’s “Adventures in Abstracts” is on display until August 15. In mid-August visitors will be treated to more of Ann Durley’s “Clocks With an Attitude”. In September we will present our 12th Annual Fiber Arts Show. This popular juried show exhibits work from artists around our region. We welcome a wide range of entries that might be sewn, knitted, woven, felted, painted or printed to create 3-D and wall pieces, art to wear, quilts, décor items and more!
Currents Gallery also offers art classes in our well equipped Back Door Studio. These one and two-day workshops cover a wide array of subjects ranging from techniques in painting with various mediums, to constructing clocks with found objects, decorating gourds, or dying silk scarves. New class schedules are published quarterly and students can sign up online as well as in person.
In the past few years we have expanded our online presence. Now art lovers can purchase many select pieces from our website. Of course, the best experience is to visit the gallery in person, talk to the artist on duty, and get a close-up look at some of the best art that Oregon has to offer!
Currents Gallery
532 NE Third St., McMinnville OR 97128
Hours: Tuesday — Saturday, 11-4, Sunday — 11-3
Phone: 503-435-1316 email:

Phyllice Bradner is one of Currents Gallery’s original partners. She moved to Oregon in 2005 after living in Alaska for 40 years. During that time she was the art director of an advertising agency, did free-lance graphic design, historic restoration on major buildings, owned an antique store, and was the Publication Specialist for the Alaska Division of Tourism. Today, she says, “Working with my friends to manage our gallery is my greatest joy.”
Phyllice creates images that make people smile. She makes wood block prints and etchings of ravens and other animals, and frequently paints whimsical critters. She is also the co-author of the Silver Sisters Mystery series, which she writes with her sister, Morgan St James. They currently have five books in print. She has also published a children’s book featuring her funny crows.